Congratulations! You usually say what everyone else in the room wants to say, and then you get into trouble for saying it. As a result, you often feel both admired and rejected at the same time. You have eagle-eye discernment—more so than others around you—but you must remember that giving the right information at the wrong time will profit you nothing except for a pushy reputation with the people with whom you work and live. Even though you feel most valuable when you are having those “underground” revelatory experiences with God, resist the urge to be a loner. Instead, surround yourself with others to keep your moods steady. You must also surround yourself with affirming pastor personalities, which you are likely already doing instinctively. Don’t be tempted to feel small in seasons of hiddenness. Just remember that God is bringing you more revelation during these times and will eventually provide you with the opportunity to release what you have seen and heard there. You are the prophet personality.
The Strengths of the Prophet Personality
You are "the Discerning Motivator"