Congratulations! You are the kindest personality in the room. While many people have a pastor’s heart, not everyone has the pastor personality. Sometimes, even an actual pastor in full-time ministry doesn’t have the pastor personality. In short, you notice individual people and will pursue them one-on-one if you feel you can help them—much in the same way that a shepherd is willing to leave the 99 to go after the 1 lost sheep. And people hear you when you come, and what’s more, they often come to you. While most people desire the Spirit’s fruits of love and joy, you value the forgotten fruits of gentleness, faithfulness and kindness. Those come naturally to you. You are merciful and patient. You bear long with people and forgive easily. You also have the God-given ability to remove people’s transgressions against you as far as the east is from the west. It drives some people around you crazy, especially the prophet personality types (whom you need). You are the pastor personality.
The Strengths of the Pastor Personality
You are "the Compassionate Counselor"