Welcome to your Make Your Splash Homepage!

You have come to the right place to find your Make Your Splash videos, tests, and more. But first, remember the goals of the book you are now reading: You were born for a purpose! Yet most Christians have no idea what their spiritual giftings are or what God has commissioned them to do. In this book, pastors and culture-makers Chris and Laura Smith introduce you to the 12 cultural rivers of impact and help you discover not only your calling, but also your placement and commission there!

Through assessments and teaching you will uncover your spiritual personality, natural giftings, and God-given skills set. When you know
what you were created to do, you can discover where you were created to flow and immerse yourself in the right occupational river.

You were created to make an impact, not just a living. It's time to cast off your limitations and excuses. Stop going with the flow of this world and instead make waves for the Kingdom that turn the tides of culture and ripple into eternity.

Make Your Splash Forms and Tests

Click below for the resources promised to you in your book, including assessments and work sheets.

  • You're in chapter 4 and you are ready to discover your net worth! Here is your 2 page worksheet that helps you itemize your natural and acquired gifts. Page 1 is the instruction and pages 2 and 3 are the actual form. Click, download, and enjoy!

  • Are you ready to discover your spiritual personality? You are about to learn a lot about yourself, and also about how God has gifted you with a piece of His own personality. Follow the instructions carefully and… have fun!

  • Get ready to learn if you are in the right career field or if it's time for a change! This exciting test will help you bring your ordained career path into focus for you. Here you go!

Make Your Splash Videos

Below you will find all of your online video content, 

beginning with the 90 minute River Commissioning Service.

Following that are your 12 rivers of influence blessing videos. 

Next, Make Your Splash's 5 spiritual personality videos are itemized on their individual

test results page, but you can also access them all at once by scrolling to the

bottom of this page and clicking on that link. Get ready to be blessed!